Privacy Policy

We promise that:

  • We will only ask for personal information to process rentals or to remain in communication.
  • We will use security safeguards such as SSL encryption to protect all your information.
  • We will NEVER disclose any personal information provided other than to process rentals.
Rent2way will only ask for personal information required for processing your rental request or payment and will never disclose that information to any third parties unless required by matter of law.

Protecting Your Privacy and Security

We value the relationship we have with our customers and are committed to responsible information-handling practices. We take great care in safeguarding your personal information by employing defined set of internal standards and best practices.

We provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is used on our site.

If you have questions regarding this privacy policy or concerns arising from our use of your personal information, please contact our Customer Service Department via mail to Rent2way, 11700 W. Charleston Blvd., Suite 170-33, Las Vegas, NV 89135, or via e-mail at [email protected]

When you enter a rental request or enter a payment we ask for certain types of personally identifiable information depending upon products/services selected which may be required to fulfill those products or services, including (1)contact information (such as name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number); (2) payment information (credit card information); and/or (3) ID verification information (such as credit card number, date of birth, or driver’s license number). We only collect ID verification information to process your rental request. If you would like to place an order but are reluctant to provide this information online, you may provide it to us by fax or telephone during normal business hours.

We use the contact information you provide to communicate with you, such as to send rental order confirmations, respond to inquiries, provide important product updates, or safety information. You can easily opt-out of any email correspondence or newsletter by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of these e-mails or by mailing us removal request. We DO NOT share, sell, rent or trade personally identifiable information with third parties for their promotional purposes.

We do not share your information with any agencies outside of Rent2way other than for the expressed purpose of processing rental orders.